.111 EHS nurses offer health guidance and supportive counseling designed to help employees identify or better understand the factors creating an actual or potential health or related problem. The nurse either assists them in finding solutions or methods of coping with ongoing problems, or directs them to appropriate assistance. This service may be requested by an employee or provided following referral from a supervisor or personnel officer.
.112 Location-EHS nursing stations (see 2610(13)). Health guidance is given at the time a problem is presented in the station. Counseling is provided by appointment.
.411 An employee who indicates a need for health-related counseling, either verbally or through on-the-job actions, should be advised of the availability of the counseling service. The employee should be encouraged to make an appointment and be given specific directions for locating the appropriate EHS nursing station. Once the employee has made an initial appointment, the supervisor or the personnel officer should supply the EHS nurse with any pertinent information regarding the employee so that the problem may be addressed quickly.
.412 An immediate referral to the appropriate EHS nursing station should be made if there is a health problem in the work area, such as scabies, lice infestation, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis or other suspected serious communicable or infectious disease. Ongoing problems, such as consistently offensive body odor, extreme drowsiness, peculiar behavior or other such conditions, may be referred to the nursing station when conferences between the employee and supervisor have been ineffective in resolving the problem.