Standard Letter to Confirm Reemployment List DeclinationsTo assist agencies in canvassing and clearing reemployment list certifications, we have developed the attached standard letter, which agencies may use as a master either with their own letterhead or as a model to create their own version, to confirm declinations of telephone canvasses, or verbal declinations made at the time of interview. [Note: See Policy Bulletin 00-01 in 1600 for the latest versions of all canvass letters / confirmation letters for all types of lists. This memo has been retained for the information below.] While agencies may modify the format of this letter as they wish, the elements of title, SG, location, type of list, and type of employment must appear, and the letter must be signed and dated, with the title of the personnel office representative. The declination information on the back of the letter MAY NOT be modified; however, agencies may choose to print it and enclose it as a separate sheet if they wish. Note that such declinations as "temporary unavailability" and declining a specific job but remaining active for other jobs in the same title and location are not appropriate for reemployment list canvasses. As with declinations made using the standard reemployment list canvass letter, (See Advisory Memorandum #93-01, 1600 Interviewing and Hiring), we require a copy of this confirming letter to "clear"the eligible's name on a certification. NOTE: Effective October 1, 1993, declinations of contingent permanent positions will have the same effect as declinations of permanent positions. The "Guidelines for Reductions in Force," the booklet, "Information for State Employees Affected by Layoff," other parts of this manual, and the standard canvass letters for use with reemployment lists are being revised accordingly. ENCLOSED: Master Form Letter [Not enclosed here.] Return to Top ^ |