TO: All Personnel Officers SUBJECT: Revision of Rule 4.5 Probation to Foster Increased Career Mobility The Governor recently signed Resolution 206 amending Rule 4.5 Probation that will foster increased career mobility for State employees. Attached is a copy of the signed Resolution for your reference. [Not attached here.] Rule 4.5 Probation was amended to: 1) Provide the agency that is filling the position through transfer the authority to waive the probationary period for the appointee. The decision to waive a probationary period should be based on the assessment of the appointee's merit and fitness for the position as demonstrated by observed performance. The policy of this agency in implementing this rule change is to require that the decision to waive a probationary period be made at the time of transfer and noted in the "Remarks Section" of the Form PR-75 effecting the transfer. Requests to waive a probationary period subsequent to the date of transfer will not be approved. 2) A transfer shall become permanent upon the retention of the probationer after the completion of the maximum probationary period of service, or upon earlier written notice following completion of the minimum period that the probationary term is successfully completed, or upon written notice at the time of appointment that the appointing authority has elected to waive the probationary term.