
As the central office for communication for the Department of Civil Service, the Public Information Office (PIO) leads the effort to promote Department programs, communicate issues, facilitate answers, and share accomplishments with the public and the media.

Applications and Publications 


Stay Informed  

Tentative Examination Schedule

Announcement E-mail Notification

Sign-up to receive notification(External Link) of upcoming examination announcements.

Outreach and Recruitment Events

Outreach and Recruitment schedule of upcoming events.

For Legal Records Requests 

For information about subrogation, claims and record requests for NYSHIP enrollees, please follow this link.

Contact Us 

Public Information Office
New York State Department of Civil Service
Albany, NY 12239
Phone: (518) 457-9375
Fax: (518) 473-2372
Email: pio@cs.ny.gov

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