Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 & 2
- Multiple-choice Test To Be Held
- May 17, 2025
You may be assigned to either Saturday or Sunday to take your test.
You cannot request or change your scheduled day. - Applications Must Be Submitted or Postmarked By
- April 02, 2025
Exam Number | Exam Title | Open to Employees of | Salary | Salary Grade | Non−Refundable Processing Fee (Waivers available) |
31-149020 | Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 | Labor, Department of | $90,931 | M-1 | $0 |
31-150020 | Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Spanish Language) | Labor, Department of | $90,931 | M-1 | $0 |
31-151020 | Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 2 | Labor, Department of | $100,845 | M-2 | $0 |
Due to current testing space limitations, candidates may need to travel to a test site to take this examination. Candidates will be notified of their test site location on their admission notice.
Promotion examination open to all qualified employees of the New York State Department of Labor.
Minimum Qualifications
On or before May 17, 2025, you must be a qualified employee of the New York State Department of Labor and have had three months of permanent competitive, non-competitive NY HELPS*, or 55-b/55-c service as shown below. If you have received a permanent appointment to a qualifying title listed and served provisionally** in that title immediately preceding your permanent appointment, such provisional service may be counted towards meeting the time in title required for this examination.
For Exam Nos. 31-149020 & 31-150020: an Associate Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative, Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist, Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist (Quality Control), Associate Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner, Investigative Officer 2 (Unemployment Insurance), Investigative Officer 3 (Unemployment Insurance), Senior Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative, Senior Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner, Supervising Labor Services Representative, Supervising Labor Services Representative (Chinese Language), Supervising Labor Services Representative (Spanish Language), Unemployment Insurance Accounts Assistant Supervisor, Unemployment Insurance Accounts Support Supervisor 1, Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board Supervisor, or Auditor 2 (Unemployment Insurance)***.
For Exam No. 31-151020: an Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1, Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Chinese Language), Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Spanish Language), Associate Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative, Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist, Associate Unemployment Insurance Internal Security Specialist (Quality Control), Associate Unemployment Insurance Reviewing Examiner, Investigative Officer 3 (Unemployment Insurance), Investigative Officer 4 (Unemployment Insurance), Supervising Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative, Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board Manager, Auditor 2 (Unemployment Insurance)***, or Unemployment Insurance Auditor 3.
***Due to the June 26, 2019 title structure change/reallocation, permanent competitive or 55-b/55-c service as an Unemployment Insurance Auditor 2 is also qualifying.
Only the title or titles listed are qualifying.
If you were permanently appointed to a qualifying title on or before February 17, 2025, and have served continuously in this title since that date, you are eligible to file for this examination.
*If you were permanently appointed via the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide (NY HELPS) program to a qualifying position in the non-competitive class on or before February 17, 2025, and have served continuously in this title since that date, you may apply for this examination.
**If you were permanently appointed to a qualifying title and had provisional service in the same title immediately preceding the permanent appointment, such provisional service may be counted towards meeting the time in title required to apply for this examination. Your provisional appointment must have been on or before February 17, 2025, to qualify for this examination.
Qualifying Experience For Appointment From The Eligible List: After one year of service described in the Minimum Qualifications, successful candidates will be qualified for appointment from the eligible list.
Employees appointed to a non-competitive position via the NY HELPS program to a qualifying title in the non-competitive class will have their names restricted from appointment from the eligible list until their position is covered-in to the competitive class by action of the New York State Civil Service Commission or otherwise obtain permanent competitive status in the position.
If you have received a permanent appointment to a qualifying title listed and served provisionally in that title immediately preceding your permanent appointment, such provisional service may be counted towards meeting the one year time in title required for appointment from the eligible list.
Additional Requirement for Appointment:
- Language Proficiency: If you pass the examination and apply to a title which requires language proficiency, you much demonstrate your language proficiency at a level that will ensure your ability to perform the duties of the position properly. The proficiency test will only be given to enough candidates to fill vacancies.
The Positions: These positions exist in the New York State Department of Labor and are located Statewide.
As an Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1, Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 1 (Spanish Language) or Unemployment Insurance Program Manager 2, you would coordinate and review the activities of a function within the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Division. You may oversee staff engaged in processing and/or adjudicating initial claims and continuing benefits; performing federally required reviews of benefit or contribution operations; or administering an employer contribution program.
Note: If you submit an application for an examination with a language parenthetic, an application will automatically be submitted for you for the non-language examination.
Subject of Examination
To be considered for appointment to this title, you must pass the multiple-choice test. The multiple-choice test evaluates your knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in the following areas:
- Administrative Supervision - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in directing the activities of a large subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors. Questions relate to the personal interactions between an upper-level supervisor and their subordinate supervisors in the accomplishment of objectives. These questions cover such areas as assigning work to and coordinating the activities of several units, establishing and guiding staff development programs, evaluating the performance of subordinate supervisors, and maintaining relationships with other organizational sections.
- Ensuring Effective Inter/Intra Agency Communications - These questions test for understanding of techniques for interacting effectively with individuals and agencies, to educate and inform them about topics of concern, to clarify agency programs or policies, to negotiate conflicts or resolve complaints, and to represent one's agency or program in a manner in keeping with good public relations practices. Questions may also cover interacting with the staff of one's own agency and/or that of other agencies in cooperative efforts of public outreach or service.
- Preparing Reports and Official Documents - These questions test for the ability to prepare reports and other official documents for use within and among governmental agencies, in legal or regulatory settings, or for dissemination to the public. Some questions test for a knowledge of grammar, usage, punctuation, and sentence structure. Others test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, to use the proper tone, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly.
- Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Unemployment Insurance Law, Including Policies and Procedures of the Department of Labor - These questions will test for Federal and New York State Unemployment Insurance Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Commissioner of the Department of Labor pertaining to benefit claims and employer liability. Questions may include, but are not limited to, such areas as: precedents, policies, appeals process, fraud control, federal standards, and interstate programs.
Test Guide & Sample Test Material: A General Guide to Multiple-Choice Tests is available at http://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/testguides.cfm. Sample Test Material for the subject areas described above is available at http://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/sampletestmat.cfm.
If you pass, your seniority credit(s), if any, will be included in the computation of your final score. Your final score on the eligible list will be determined after adding any Veterans' credits.
Credit For Seniority: Seniority is credited at the rate of one credit for each five-year period (or fraction thereof), excluding the first year of service.
Admission To The Test: If approved for a multiple-choice test, you will receive an admission notice which will indicate your assigned test date and the way your test will be administered. Your test may be administered with paper and pencil or online at a state test site using a state-provided Chromebook. You cannot request to change your scheduled day or request a specific type of test administration.
Applicants are required to have a Personal NY.gov account and keep their email address up to date. The Department of Civil Service and other state agencies will communicate with you through email correspondence. This may include notification of your application status, your test arrangements, examination results, and canvassing you for interest in appointment. It will be important for you to keep your email address, phone number, and mailing address current by logging into https://www.cs.ny.gov/home/myaccount.
How To Apply
You Can Also
- Download examination application NYS-APP form; or
- Email cs.sm.examinfo@cs.ny.gov to request NYS-APP forms; or
- Obtain an NYS-APP form from a State agency or facility personnel/business office; or
- Request NYS-APP form by calling the Department of Civil Service in the Albany area at 518-457-2487 or toll free at 1-877-697-5627.
The NYS Department of Civil Service reserves the right to reject for lateness or to accept applications filed after the advertised filing period. All statements you make on your application are subject to investigation.
Additional Information
New York State is an Equal Opportunity Employer
It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity employment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment without unlawful discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, veteran or military service member status, marital status, domestic violence victim status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, arrest and/or criminal conviction record, or any other category protected by law, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification or other exception.
Religious Accommodation
Most multiple-choice tests are held on Saturdays. If you cannot take the test on the announced test date, due to a conflict with a religious observance or practice, check the box under “Religious Accommodation.” We will make arrangements for you to take the test on a different date (usually the following day).
Reasonable Accommodations in Testing
It is the policy of the Department of Civil Service, in accordance with the New York State Human Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, to provide qualified persons with disabilities equal employment opportunity and equal opportunity to participate in and receive the benefits, services, programs, and activities of the Department. It is the policy of the Department to provide such persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications as are necessary to provide equal opportunity. Persons with disabilities who require an accommodation to participate in an examination must note this on their application. Further information is available from the Test Accommodation Unit of the Department of Civil Service at Testaccommodation@cs.ny.gov.
Admission to Examination
Notice to appear for the test may be conditional as review of applications may not be made until after the test. If you have not received your notice to appear for the multiple-choice test three days before the date of the test, email us at AdmissionNotices@cs.ny.gov. Please provide your first and last name, address, and the last four digits of your social security number, and we will provide you with the information you need to attend your multiple-choice test. If you have an issue other than not receiving your admission notice, please contact our office at (518) 474-6470 in the Albany area or toll free at 1-877-697-5627. Please leave a clear concise message and provide your first and last name, last four digits of your social security number and a daytime phone number.
Taking State and Local Examinations Scheduled for the Same Day
If you have applied to take a multiple-choice test announced by either one or several local jurisdictions (county, town, city) scheduled to be held on the same test date as this multiple-choice test, you must notify each of the local jurisdictions no later than two weeks before the test date to make arrangements for taking all tests at one test site. All tests will be held at the state examination center. For your convenience, contact information for all local civil service agencies is available on our website at: https://www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker/local.cfm.
Eligibility for Examination
To be considered a qualified employee eligible to compete in this examination, you must be employed in, or on leave from, the specified department or agency on a permanent or contingent permanent basis in the competitive class, or in the non-competitive class or labor class if specifically noted on this announcement (or be on an appropriate preferred list), and have the specified time in the specified title or salary grade. You may not compete in a test for a title if you are permanently employed in that title (unless you are still on probation) or in a higher direct line of promotion.
Cell Phones or Electronic/Communication Devices at the Test Site
The use of cell phones, beepers, headphones, or any electronic or other communication devices at your personal testing site or in the test room, hallways, restrooms, building, grounds, or other areas, except as expressly authorized by the Department of Civil Service, could result in your disqualification.
S3/TC1 BME-skh
Issued: 02/28/25
This announcement is subject to amendment or cancellation without notice. Do not copy it, or post it to any other site, but link to it instead.