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Learn About the New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP)

Thinking of working for New York State? Recently hired?

New York State has one of the largest and most comprehensive health care plans in the country. The New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) covers New York State public employees and their dependents. Other public sector employees and their dependents can be eligible for NYSHIP through their agency or employers. Overall, we cover 1.2 million enrollees throughout the country.

NYSHIP is administered by the New York State Department of Civil Service, and has several health plan options to choose from.

As a New York State employee, you can:

  • Enroll in a health plan through NYSHIP (either The Empire Plan or a NYSHIP-approved Health Maintenance Organization [HMO] in your area - learn more) or

  • Elect the Opt-out Program which allows you to opt out of NYSHIP health coverage in exchange for an incentive payment or

  • Waive benefits

Benefits under NYSHIP include:

  • Preventive care services
  • Inpatient and outpatient medical/surgical care and services
  • Infertility services
  • Mental health services
  • Telehealth
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Chiropractic services, physical therapy, and occupational therapy
  • Gender affirming care

Want to learn more? Explore your health care publications!