Policy/Memo 79
Number: Policy Memo 79
Date Issued: March 24, 1995
Policy File Ref: A580
Clarification of eligibility for NYSHIP vested status.
Civil Service Law and Regulation require an enrollee to be vested with a retirement plan or system administered and operated by the state of New York, or by a civil division, or the optional retirement program established under Education Law (TIAA-CREF), in order to be eligible for vested status in NYSHIP. In addition, the enrollee must otherwise meet the health insurance retirement eligibility requirements, except for age, and in the case of TIAA-CREF members, have at least ten years of State service.
These requirements have not been consistently applied in the past.
Policy Clarification:
Health insurance vested status eligibility is available to only those enrollees who are members of those retirement systems or alternative plan cited in Civil Service Law (§163.3) and Regulations (73.1 (g)).
EBD practices and informational material should be reviewed to ensure that vested eligibility is not offered to enrollees who are non-members.