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2025 NYSHIP Plan Comparison

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Disclaimer: Please visit your HMO's website for the most up-to-date benefit information and any mid-year prescription drug formulary changes.

 Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield - Medicare Advantage Plan
(View Drug Formulary)
Office Visits$10 per visit [1]
Annual Adult Routine PhysicalsNo copayment
Well Child Care
Specialty Office Visits$30 per visit
Diagnostic/Therapeutic Services 
Radiology$30 per test [2]
Lab TestsNo copayment [2] [3]
PathologyNo copayment
EKG/EEG$30 per test
Radiation$30 per test [2]
ChemotherapyNo copayment [2]
DialysisNo copayment
Women's Health Care/Reproductive Health 
Pap TestsNo copayment
MammogramsNo copayment
Prenatal VisitsNo copayment
Postnatal VisitsNo copayment
Bone Density TestsNo copayment
Breastfeeding Services and EquipmentNo copayment for classes; equipment not covered.
External Mastectomy Prosthesis20% coinsurance, one prosthesis per affected breast per year
Family Planning Services$10 PCP, $30 specialist
Infertility ServicesNot covered
Contraceptive DrugsApplicable Rx copayment
Contraceptive DevicesPart B Medical: No copayment [4]
Inpatient Hospital SurgeryNo copayment [2]
Outpatient Surgery
Hospital$75 per visit [2]
Physician's Office$10 PCP/$30 specialist
Outpatient Surgery Facility$75 per visit [2]
Weight Loss/Bariatric Surgery

See Outpatient Surgery or Inpatient Hospital Surgery

Emergency Department$65 per visit [5]
Urgent Care Facility$35 per visit [5]
Ambulance$100 per trip [2]
TelehealthVirtual Care PCP/Specialist: $10/$30 per visit with an in-network provider
Virtual PortalWell360 Virtual Health: $30 Specialist/$35 Urgent Care/$40 Behavioral Health per visit
Outpatient Mental Health$40 per visit [2]
Inpatient Mental HealthNo copayment [2] [6]
Outpatient Drug/Alcohol Rehab$40 per visit, unlimited [2]
Inpatient Drug/Alcohol RehabNo copayment [2] [6]
Durable Medical Equipment$0 compression stockings, 20% coinsurance on all other items [2]
Prosthetics20% coinsurance [2] [7]
Orthotics20% coinsurance [2] [7]
Rehabilitative Care, Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy
InpatientNo copayment, unlimited [2]
Outpatient Physical or Occupational Therapy$20 per visit, unlimited
Outpatient Speech Therapy$20 per visit, unlimited
Diabetic SuppliesNo copayment, Part B coverage: glucose monitors, lancets and test strips
Mail Order
Insulin and Oral AgentsApplicable Rx copayment [2] [8]
Mail Order
Diabetic ShoesNo copayment, when medically necessary [9]
HospiceCovered by Medicare
Skilled Nursing FacilityNo copayment, 100 days max per benefit period [2]
Prescription Drugs
Retail$0 Tier 1, $15 Tier 2, $30 Tier 3, $50 Tier 4, $50 Tier 5
Mail Order$0 Tier 1, $30 Tier 2, $60 Tier 3, $100 Tier 4, Tier 5 not covered
Additional Prescription Drug Related Information

Part D Rx Plan: Once your total drug costs (what you and your plan have paid, combined) reach $2,000, you will pay $0 for Part D prescriptions for the remainder of the plan year. Receive up to a 100-day supply (retail and mail order) of Tier 1 and 2 drugs and up to a 90-day supply (retail and mail order) of Tier 3 and 4 drugs. Tier 5 drugs are limited to a 31-day supply (retail only).

Specialty Drugs

Your provider may supply and administer drugs in the office. These are Medicare-covered Part B drugs and have no copayment. Part D Rx Plan: You pay the applicable tier copayment.


Additional Benefits 
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum (In-Network Benefits)$3,000 per year
Dental$200 allowance
Vision$200 allowance (frames, lenses, contacts), $0 copayment for one routine exam per year. [10]
Hearing Aids$699 copayment per aid for advanced model, $999 copayment per aid for premium model. [11]
Out of Area

Plan covers emergency care, urgently-needed care and kidney dialysis services outside the service area.

Additional Benefits HMOs (as applicable) 
Fitness BenefitNo copayment
Plan Highlights for 2025

New lower Part D Rx out-of-pocket limit of $2,000.  $0 FitOn fitness benefit. $200 allowance for eyewear through Davis Vision and $200 allowance for dental care.

Participating Physicians

Our network has more than 9,800 physicians and health care professionals.

Affiliated HospitalsAll Western New York hospitals are under contract. Members may be directed to other hospitals if medically necessary.
Pharmacies and Prescriptions

Part D Rx Plan: Includes a nationwide network of over 65,000 participating pharmacies.

Medicare CoverageMedicare-primary NYSHIP enrollees are required to enroll in Senior Blue HMO, our Medicare Advantage Plan. To qualify, you must enroll in Medicare Parts A & B and live in the service area.


Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield - Medicare Advantage Plan

No copayment for follow-up visits with your PCP within 14 days of an inpatient or observation discharge.
Prior authorization is required.
For services performed at a Quest Diagnostics lab/permitted draw site.
No copayment for the device when supplied by your physician, but an office copayment may apply. You pay the applicable Rx tier copayment at the pharmacy.
Worldwide coverage. Copayment waived if admitted to hospital within one day.
190-day lifetime max applies to services received in a psychiatric hospital, not a general hospital.
On all items except diabetic shoes/inserts.
$0 Part B medical coverage for insulin via pump. Maximum copayment of $35 for Part D insulin.
One pair of custom-molded shoes (including inserts) and two additional pairs of inserts, or one pair of depth shoes and three pairs of inserts are allowed per calendar year. Coverage includes fitting.
$0 Medicare-covered eyewear after cataract surgery. Must use Davis Vision provider for eyewear, allowance and routine exam.
Limit of two per year (one per ear). You must schedule appointments with TruHearing and use their providers.