Opportunities at Work

Departmental Examination Open To All Qualified Employees of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Park Supervisor 1/2 and Regional Park Maintenance Supervisor

Written Test To Be Held
February 28, 2015*
You may be assigned to either Saturday or Sunday.
Please refer to the information below.
Applications Must Be Submitted or Postmarked By
January 14, 2015


Exams Included on This Announcement
Exam Number Exam Title Open to Employees of Salary Salary Grade Non−Refundable Processing Fee
00-296010 Park Supervisor 1 P&R Parks and Rec,Office of $37,253 G-11 $10
00-297010 Park Supervisor 2 P&R Parks and Rec,Office of $44,135 G-14 $15
00-298010 Regional Park Maintenance Supervisor P&R Parks and Rec,Office of $52,293 G-18 $15

* Due to the size of the candidate population for this test date, you may be assigned to either Saturday, February 28, 2015, or Sunday, March 1, 2015, to take your test. Your admission notice will tell you where and when you are scheduled to appear. You cannot request a day or time in advance or change your scheduled day or time.

This TRANSITION EXAMINATION is one of several concepts included in a Memorandum of Intent agreed to by New York State and CSEA, and is designed to provide opportunities for employees within state service.

An open-competitive examination is being held at the same time as this transition examination. Agencies have the option of making appointments from either list. If you meet the requirements for the open-competitive as well as the transition examination, you may wish to apply for both. The appropriate processing fee must be filed for each examination.

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Minimum Qualifications

On or before February 28, 2015, you must be a qualified employee of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and have had three months of permanent competitive, non competitive, or labor class service as follows:

For Number 00-296010: in a position allocated to Grade 6 or higher.

For Number 00-297010: in a position allocated to Grade 9 or higher.

For Number 00-298010: in a position allocated to Grade 11 or higher.

If you were permanently appointed to a qualifying title on or before November 28, 2014, and have served continuously in this title since that date, you are eligible to file for this examination.

Qualifying Experience for Appointment from the Eligible List

After one year of the service described in the Minimum Qualifications, successful candidates will be qualified for appointment from the eligible list.


  1. In accordance with Section 52.11 of the Civil Service Law, individuals serving permanently in the non competitive or labor class in a qualifying title (including those serving under Section 55-b/55-c) who otherwise meet the requirements for taking this examination are eligible to compete in this transition examination.
  2. Important: As the processing fee is non-refundable, verify that you entered the correct examination number and title on your online or paper application prior to submitting. If you apply online, you should immediately review your email confirmation notice to verify that you applied for the correct examination. If you do not receive a confirmation number after submitting your online application, your application was NOT received by the Department of Civil Service. No late applications will be accepted after the filing deadline has passed.

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Subject of Examination

There will be a written test which you must pass in order to be considered for appointment. The written test is designed to test for knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in such areas as: For Examination Numbers
00-296010 00-297010 00-298010
1. Operation of park facilities - These questions test for knowledge of the practices and procedures involved in operating park facilities and may include such typical areas as job safety, grounds and equipment maintenance, prioritizing work schedules, inspection and repair of park playgrounds, picnic areas, swimming facilities, public restrooms, hiking trails, and other park facilities, water and wastewater line repair, proper use of hand and power tools, revenue collection, customer and employee relations, and proper handling of emergency situations. X X X
2. Grounds maintenance, including turf, trees and shrubs - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in grounds maintenance and may include such areas as turf grass planting, fertilizing, and maintenance, tree and shrub selection, planting, transplanting, trimming and maintenance, snow and ice control and safe operating practices involved when performing grounds maintenance activities. X X X
3. Maintenance of buildings and park structures including roads and sanitary facilities - These questions test for knowledge of the proper practices and procedures to use in the upkeep, maintenance and repair of park structures and facilities, including such areas as park buildings, sanitary facilities, roads, and similar types of park infrastructure. X X X
4. Supervision - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices employed in planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of a work unit toward predetermined objectives. The concepts covered, usually in a situational question format, include such topics as assigning and reviewing work; evaluating performance; maintaining work standards; motivating and developing subordinates; implementing procedural change; increasing efficiency; and dealing with problems of absenteeism, morale, and discipline. X X  
5. Office record keeping - These questions test your ability to perform common office record keeping tasks. The test consists of two or more "sets" of questions, each set concerning a different problem. Typical record keeping problems might involve the organization or collation of data from several sources; scheduling; maintaining a record system using running balances; or completion of a table summarizing data using totals, subtotals, averages and percents. You should bring with you a hand-held battery- or solar-powered calculator for use on this test. You will not be permitted to use the calculator function of your cell phone. X X  
6. Maintenance of buildings and equipment - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in the overall maintenance, construction, and upkeep of the typical structures, buildings, and equipment found in park facilities; and may include such areas as proper maintenance and repair of buildings, roadways, trails, flood control and drainage structures, minor mechanical and electrical systems maintenance, and safe operating practices.     X
7. Administrative supervision - These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in directing the activities of a large subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors. Questions relate to the personal interactions between an upper level supervisor and his/her subordinate supervisors in the accomplishment of objectives. These questions cover such areas as assigning work to and coordinating the activities of several units, establishing and guiding staff development programs, evaluating the performance of subordinate supervisors, and maintaining relationships with other organizational sections.     X
8. Preparing written material - These questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly. For some questions, you will be given information in two or three sentences followed by four restatements of the information. You must then choose the best version. For other questions, you will be given paragraphs with their sentences out of order. You must then choose, from our suggestions, the best order for the sentences.     X

If you pass, your seniority credit(s), if any, will be included in the computation of your final score. Rank on the eligible list will be determined after adding any wartime veterans' credits to your final passing score.

Credit for Seniority

Seniority is credited at the rate of one credit for each five-year period (or fraction thereof), excluding the first year of service.

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As a Park Supervisor 1 or a Park Supervisor 2, you would, under the general direction of a Park Manager or a Historic Site Manager, be responsible for supervising staff; planning and scheduling operational and maintenance work projects; conducting site inspections; preparing reports; interacting with park patrons; and performing and instructing others in the performance of operational and maintenance assignments.

As a Regional Park Maintenance Supervisor, you would be responsible for the total direction and supervision of a regional maintenance and capital construction/rehabilitation program. Functioning with considerable independence you would supervise crews of permanent and temporary trades people, coordinate daily and long range maintenance/rehabilitation projects, perform various administrative duties, and actively participate as a member of regional administration.

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How To Apply

This announcement is for viewing purposes only.

If you do not receive a confirmation number after submitting your online application, your application was NOT processed.

Additional Information

New York State is an Equal Opportunity Employer

It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity employment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, veteran or military service member status, marital status, domestic violence victim status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or arrest and/or criminal conviction record unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification or other exception.

Religious Accommodation

Most written tests are held on Saturdays. If you cannot take the test on the announced test date, due to a conflict with a religious observance or practice, check the box under “Religious Accommodation.” We will make arrangements for you to take the test on a different date (usually the following day).

Reasonable Accommodations in Testing

It is the policy of the Department of Civil Service, in accordance with the New York State Human Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, to provide qualified persons with disabilities equal employment opportunity and equal opportunity to participate in and receive the benefits, services, programs, and activities of the Department. It is the policy of the Department to provide such persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications as are necessary to provide equal opportunity. Persons with disabilities who require an accommodation to participate in an examination must note this on their application. Further information is available from the Test Administration Unit of the Department of Civil Service. In the Albany area, call 518-457-2487 [press 2, then press 2]. Outside of the Albany area, call toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 2]. For TDD services, call NY Relay at 711 (requires a fee) or 1-800-662-1220.

Admission to Examination

Notice to appear for the test may be conditional as review of applications may not be made until after the test. If you have not received your notice to appear for the written test three days before the date of the test, call 518-474-6470 in the Albany area or toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 1].

Multiple Examinations Scheduled for the Same Day

If you have applied to take a written test announced by either one or several local jurisdictions (county, town, city) scheduled to be held on the same test date as this written test, you must notify each of the local jurisdictions no later than two weeks before the test date to make arrangements for taking all tests at one test site. All tests will be held at the state examination center. For your convenience, contact information for all local civil service agencies is available on our website at: http://www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker/local.cfm

Eligibility for Examination

To be eligible to compete in this examination, you must be employed in the specified department or agency on a permanent or contingent permanent basis in the competitive class, or in the non-competitive class or labor class if specifically noted on this announcement (or be on an appropriate preferred list), and have the specified time in the specified title or salary grade. You may not compete in a test for a title if you are permanently employed in that title (unless you are still on probation) or in a higher direct line of promotion.

Cell Phones or Electronic/Communication Devices at the Test Site

Do not bring cell phones, beepers, headphones, or any electronic or other communication devices to the test site. The use of such devices at the test site in the test room, hallways, restrooms, building, grounds, or other areas could result in your disqualification.

S2/TC3 KXM-vla
Issued: 12/12/14

This announcement is subject to amendment or cancellation without notice. Do not copy it, or post it to any other site, but link to it instead.

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