Occ. Code 2351300
2351300 |
2351500 |
New York State Department of Civil Service
Classification Standard
Positions in this series exist in the Banking, Insurance and Health Departments. Incumbents appraise real estate owned or mortgaged to insurance companies and banks or proposed for purchase by health care facilities.
Employees who negotiate with property owners or their representatives for the leasing, alteration and maintenance of space used by State departments and agencies are classified in the Property Manager and Space Analyst Series. Employees who acquire real property by appropriation for public works are classified as Land and Claims Adjusters.
SENIOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISER assists in the review of real property policies and practices of institutions supervised by the Banking and Insurance Departments; assists in and reviews appraisal policies and practices, real property investment and management policies of supervised institutions, and in the Banking Department mortgage loan policies; reviews appraisal reports prepared by professional appraisers for technical accuracy and adequacy and for validity of conclusions; appraises moderate size mortgage investments and assists in the appraisal of more complex types of commercial, residential and industrial properties; examines plans and specifications for new buildings or alterations to be undertaken by supervised institutions, and appraises building sites; and compiles various types of comparative information dealing with construction and operating costs, sales and rentals.
In the Department of Health, an incumbent evaluates the historical cost appraisals on proprietary nursing homes to calculate the basis for Medicaid reimbursement; assesses the market value on land for prospective nursing homes and cost to Medicaid; determines the market value of easements, fee interest of partial portions of sites mortgaged; makes recommendations to the Commissioner of Health on the value or impact on changes in easements, sale and acquisition of properties financed by the State under the Public Health Law; and reviews the physical condition of mortgaged properties for compliance with mortgage, security and maintenance terms.
QUALIFICATIONS: Six years of experience in inspecting and appraising real estate or acquiring real estate for a governmental or business entity. Four years of the experience must have been in a position requiring independent judgement in appraising real estate, including preparing original narrative appraisal reports.
PRINCIPAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER examines real property investment, loans, and management policies of banking or insurance companies regulated by the State. In the Banking and Insurance Departments, studies the real property investment, loan, and management policies of supervised institutions and meet with institutions' management relative to their practices in this area; appraises or supervises the appraisal of large properties owned, mortgaged or to be constructed by regulated entities; reviews and evaluates reports of appraisals made by employees or agents of these firms; prepares reports of findings; advises department staff on real estate and appraisal matters; and conducts special studies.
QUALIFICATIONS: Promotion: One year of permanent service as a Senior Real Estate Appraiser. Open Competitive: Eight years of experience in inspecting and appraising real estate or acquiring real estate for a governmental or business entity. Four years of the experience must have been in a position requiring independent judgement in appraising real estate, including preparing original narrative appraisal reports.
CHIEF REAL ESTATE APPRAISER supervises the examination of the real property investment, loan and management policies of banking or insurance companies regulated by the State. In the Banking and Insurance Departments, directs studies of real property investment, loan and management policies of supervised institutions; meets with institutions' management on the appraisal of specific properties; reviews appraisals made by employees or agents of the regulated companies; reviews reports of subordinates and transmits them to supervisor with appropriate recommendations; advises and assists department staff on building construction and costs, real estate investment and mortgage matters; recommends policy governing the above areas; and directs special studies in the real estate and mortgage field.
In the Insurance Department, examines the inventory of real estate and mortgage holdings of domestic insurance companies and determines which cases are to be selected for inspection, appraisal and surveys; assigns work to the Principal and Senior Appraisers and to outside appraisers who may be hired to supplement the staff; directs and often assists in the work of evaluating real estate investments; formulates rules and devises methods of appraisals; analyzes appraisal reports and transmits them to the Superintendent of Insurance with conclusions and recommendations; prepares the department's cases for hearings requested by companies objecting to appraisers' findings; acts as expert advisor to the Superintendent and various bureau chiefs on all matters pertaining to real estate and mortgages; assists examiners in determining policies, practices and procedures for making mortgage loans and for the management of real property acquired by foreclosure or purchase; conducts special studies in connection with the supervision of insurance companies or on proposed legislation on real estate and mortgage matters.
In the Banking Department, reviews the appraisal procedures and values used by banking institutions to evaluate the real estate underlying their mortgage loan investments; assigns work to subordinate Principal Appraisers; correlates and evaluates their findings for transmittal to the Superintendent of Banks with conclusions and recommendations; consults with the Deputy Superintendents on real estate and mortgage investment problems in particular geographical or lending areas or in specific institutions; gives professional advice to the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendents on real estate and mortgage issues, building construction and costs, value of sites acquired, proposed legislation on real estate and mortgage matters involving the Banking Law; consults with and advises management of banking organizations about matters mentioned above as well as those concerning practices and procedures for making mortgage and other loans pertaining to real estate; plans and directs special studies; and provides technical assistance to examiners on practices relating to real estate, mortgage loan investments and the techniques used in the valuation of real estate.
QUALIFICATIONS: Promotion: One year of permanent competitive service as Principal Real Estate Appraiser. Open‑competitive: Ten years of experience in inspecting and appraising real estate or acquiring real estate for a governmental or business entity. Four years of the experience must have been in a position requiring independent judgement in appraising real estate, including preparing original narrative appraisal reports.
Reviewed: 3/03
NOTE: Classification Standards illustrate the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe. Standards cannot and do not include all of the work that might be appropriately performed by a class. The minimum qualifications above are those which were required for appointment at the time the Classification Standard was written. Please contact the Division of Staffing Services for current information on minimum qualification requirements for appointment or examination.